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Ownership Term

Each syndicate is for a minimum of twelve months. After this period, syndicate owners can collectively decide whether to sell the horse or keep the horse for another twelve months

How many shares per syndicate?

We aim to syndicate each horse into 10% shares, meaning the syndicate is split equally and all owners receive the same ownership benefits


After agreeing to a share in one of our horses, you will be invoiced for the upfront cost. Once payment has been received, you will be sent a payment link to set up a direct debit for the monthly all-inclusive cost

What does my monthly cost go towards?

The monthly cost contributes towards (but not limited to); training and entry fees, transportation, jockey fees, blacksmith fees, veterinary fees both routinely and unexpected, BHA registration costs and the syndicate management fee


Are there any additional costs?

No. The upfront cost covers the purchase price of the horse, and the monthly direct debit is a fixed cost for the duration of the syndicate term, to cover all expenses

Registered ownership with the BHA

Each syndicate is set up with The British Horseracing Authority and you will be registered as an owner with your % share